Thursday, June 29, 2006

Hyper Injections of Sequential Art

Hoo boy, what ebay has done for my collection of sequential art -four-color funnies, that is, comic books. From two crates to four in a matter of months, until my shelf is fairly bursting with the weight of pulp and staples.
I suffer from a spot of pride about how I've inhabited my collection. Like everything in art, there is a lot of junk comics out there, but I think I've got a good representation of the finer examples of the form.
Even so, I don't want to spend my fortune exclusively on funny books! Maybe by confessing my mania I'll find the strength to stem the tide of outgoing cash... we'll see!

I chose these two images specifically because they represent great comics and comics characters. Ulysses Klaw, the "murderous master of sound", is one of my favorite characters, if only because he is made of pure sound. This issue of Captain America is written and drawn by Jim Steranko, a great designer/illustrator who made a brief but indelible imprint on the comics industry in the sixties; this issue represents what I think is his finest work.

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