Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Where There's Smoke

I've got my head sorted over the end of Lost. "Event" episodes of shows require some crunching. I needed to put in extra crunch time to get at the bottom of why I was so dissatisfied and what it comes down to is expectations.

Beware: here there be spoilers.

I really wanted an explanation for the Smoke Monster, something more than oh, he's that guy who got chucked into a hole. But this was a drama about characters persevering through incredible shitstorms of difficulty, not a science fiction adventure series.

Lost wasn't a comedy either, though there's a good argument for spinning one.

Emotionally, the finale makes sense. We see beloved characters reunited for a happy ending. Jack is resolved with his dad, Christian, who explains why they are all at church together: Jack created it so they could all go up into the light and spend eternity together. This was about Jack becoming a better person. Everything else was dressing. I wanted intellectual thrills but those went away with Mr Eko when he was stomped by Smokey.

Benjamin Linus staying outside the church at the end suggests that for some the journey continues and there's no reason for them to be at or inside the church. Not everyone important is there, like
Michael or his son Wally who is like twenty feet tall now and nobody would believe he was the same teenager from first season. But Jack and everybody who made it to church on time did become better folks, even John Locke, healed by Jack in the sideways timeline.

Locke is the first one to believe that the island is a special place. When the Smoke Monster corners him in season one, he isn't killed but sees a bright light, the island's true nature. He does get killed later, by Linus, but appears to be resurrected when Smokey assumes his form. Believer to Beelzebub. Jack heals him in the sideways timeline (long story) and redeems the man, which was very nice of him to do.

This was a show about heart. The finale feels right, and that is just what the creators wanted to accomplish. In other words, it was a chick flick, which is cool but why not just call it Days of Our Lost. That would be truth in advertising.


Unknown said...

I applaud your efforts. For you were trying to be very positive about the show, and you almost succeeded. Almost.

Unknown said...

You saw right through me, FishHawk. ;)

Steve @ Fact of the Day .CA said...

I finally got to see the finale last night. They could not have ended the series any other way. Imagine if they had Jacob or whomever just explain everything in the mythos, and leave the storylines (especially Sideways-land) hanging. I think they made it clear from the start that the show was about people, and the finale reflected that. They wrapped up everything that needed to be resolved, and the other stuff (why people get zombified or whatever, what happened with the Purge, why no babies, why polar bears, why so much electromagnetism) ultimately doesn't matter. I liked it.